Akashic Records

  • Akashic Records,  Spirituality

    MAY 2023 – Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    Welcome, May! 🌸🌷 We’re still in eclipse season and navigating the energy of Mercury Retrograde. This month’s channeled message feels like a breath of fresh air amidst these times. It’s simple yet relevant. We all need gentle reminders like this sometimes. We’re all heading to a transition in some way, and we should give ourselves even more love as we go through this chapter in our lives. Let this be a reminder for you to breathe & find ways to have fun!  I hope that life is kind to you.  May these messages support you in any way, my love.  May 2023 Akashic Records Energy Report Enjoy the journey. Take…

  • Akashic Records,  Spirituality

    April 2023 – Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    Welcome, April! This month’s channeled guidance is reminding us to see how much we have grown and to take the courage to embrace this newness as we move on to a new chapter. We are being called to appreciate what we’ve been through and celebrate our victories, no matter how small they seem. This life calls for constant evolution, and it’s inevitable that we outgrow some parts of ourselves and even the people who used to be a huge part of our world.  As you move through changes, I pray that you’ll have the courage to do what’s best for you. I hope that these messages will support you in…

  • Akashic Records,  Spirituality

    March 2023 – Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    Can you feel the shift? This month is phenomenal. This month is the start of something new. The Akashic Energy Report for March is reminding us to embrace this new season in our lives with an open heart. We are not facing this shift unarmed. We have been doing the work, taking the time to love ourselves better, and pouring our efforts to release the beliefs and patterns that no longer serve our highest good. Whatever this shift means for you, know that I’m cheering you on. Sending you love x Every month, I channel supportive messages from the Akashic Records. May this message serve you in any way! March…

  • Akashic Records,  Life Lessons,  Spirituality

    February 2023 – Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    A beautiful new month is ahead of us. The channeled guidance for February reminds us to appreciate the present moment and allow ourselves to bloom in our own time. There is no rush, we don’t need to sprint to the next level. Right here and right now is where we need to be. I hope that you’ll find your piece of peace this month, my love. I am always rooting for you. Every month, I channel supportive messages from the Akashic Records. May this message serve you in any way! February 2023 Akashic Records Energy Report “Bloom in your own time. There is no rush. There is beauty in appreciating…

  • Akashic Records,  Spirituality

    January 2023 – Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    Happy New Year, my love! ♡ As a new slate is presented to us, there is a pressure to shift, to change, to move. It can be really overwhelming. Amidst it all, be gentle with yourself. This month’s channeled guidance from the Akashic Records is encouraging us to trust the process and acknowledge life’s different seasons. I hope that this message serves you in any way. January 2023 Akashic Records Energy Report “Like a flower slowly blossoming, trust the process. The seed lives in darkness before it sprouts in the open. The seed thrives in constant nourishment, hidden away, in the dark depths of the soil before it gets to…

  • Akashic Records

    December 2022 Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    This month’s Akashic Energy Report is reminding us to listen to ourselves. The world outside of us can be deafening. Only by taking the time to sit in silence and ask ourselves the hard questions can we realize the things that truly matter to us and where our soul wants to go. May this message encourage you to take time to be with yourself this month and reflect on the path you want to take. As another year lies ahead, may we all set our sights on the things that will bring joy and fulfillment to our souls. Here’s the full channeled message & alignment tips: December 2022 Akashic Energy Report…

  • Akashic Records

    November 2022 Channeled Guidance from the Akashic Records

    Hello my love! Every month, I channel guidance and alignment tips from the Akashic Records and share them on my instagram account, risingmodernwoman. I decided to share it on the website as well, so you can access it anytime. I’m sending you so much love! Here’s the channeled messages for this month: November 2022 Akashic Energy Report “Be still. Observe. Make time for silence. It has been a long, arduous, challenging journey, and you have made it here. You may feel like this part of your life is irrelevant, even worrying, because you feel like you are too far from the summit. Yet, have you forgotten that the journey is…

  • Akashic Records,  Life Lessons,  Spirituality

    Embracing your Seasons

    One of the most interesting metaphors of human life I have heard from my Akashic Records is how we mirror nature. Just like nature, we go through our seasons, our cycles. Death and rebirth is a theme that plays in the entirety of our life. Lately, I have been questioning my decisions. I feel like at 25, I haven’t done anything remarkable. I scroll through social media everyday and see young influencers living their best lives and sometimes, I seek for what they have – time, money, freedom, space. I am thankful because my guides are ever so patient with me and they slap me (lovingly) back into reality whenever…

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    Akashic Records,  Spirituality

    From a 9-5 Job to an Akashic Records Reader: A New Journey

    If someone had told me two years ago that I would eventually start my own spiritual business, I would’ve thought that that person was crazy. I’ve had one plan from the beginning. After college, I’d find a job to stick with and that’s it. Time has a funny way of setting things in place. Or should I say, listening to myself had brought me into something I would never have imagined. From a full time corporate employee, I am now an Akashic Records Reader.  “What does that even mean?” That was a question I had, and you are probably wondering about that too. Let’s go back from where it all…